At Lord, I have cried we insert 4 Stichera, and sing the 3 Resurrection Stichera
from the Oktoichos, doubling the 1st. Glory. Both now and the following Theotokion, the Dogmatic.
Tone 2.
O the great
mystery! As I contemplate the wonders I proclaim the Godhead, I do not deny the
humanity. For Emmanuel, as he loves humankind, opened the gates of nature, yet
did not break open the locks of virginity, but came forth from the womb as he
had entered through hearing. He became incarnate as he had been conceived.
Impassibly he entered, ineffably he came forth, in accordance with the saying
of the Prophet, ‘This gate will remain shut; none may enter through it, but
only the Lord God of Israel, he who has great mercy’.Then O Joyful Light and the Prokeimenon The Lord is King with its verses. After Grant, Lord etc., we sing the first Resurrection Sticheron of the Aposticha and the following Prosomia of the Mother of God.
Verse: I shall remember your name in every generation and generation.
Of all who are afflicted you are the joy, protector of the wronged, sustenance of those in need, staff of the blind, visitation of the sick, shelter and assistance of the oppressed, helper of orphans and Mother of God Most High, O All-pure. Hasten, we beseech you, to deliver your servants.
Verse: Listen, daughter, and see, and incline your ear; and forget your people and your fathers’ house.
Every iniquity without restraint, every sin without limit, wretch that I am, I have committed; of every condemnation I have become worthy. Grant me means of repentance, O Virgin, that I may appear there uncondemned. For I appoint you as my intercessor, I call you in as my protector. Do not put me to shame, O Bride of God.
Verse: The rich among the people of the land will entreat your favour.
We have no other refuge to the Maker and Master but you, pure Bride of God. With your fervent protection do not cast us away; do not put us to shame who with love hasten under your shelter.
Glory. Both now.
Who will praise,
who will call you blessed as is fitting, Maiden Bride of God, for the
redemption which through you has come to the world? Therefore with thanksgiving
we cry to you and say, ‘Hail, who made Adam divine and brought together what
was separated. Hail, who enlightened our race by the light-bearing Resurrection
of your Son and our God; for we, the race of Christians, unceasingly magnify
you’.Now Master, Trisagion etc. and the Resurrection Apolytikion.
And the Dismissal.
Christ has risen as usual, the Opening Psalm and the 1st Kathisma of the
Psalter. At Lord, I have cried we insert 10
Stichera, and sing 3 of the Resurrection and 4 Anatolika.
Resurrection Stichera. Tone 2.
Come let us
worship God the Word, begotten of the Father before the ages, incarnate of the
Virgin Mary; for having endured the Cross, he was handed over for burial, as he
himself wished, and having risen from the dead he saved me, mankind that had
gone astray.Christ our Saviour by nailing the record against us to the Cross annulled it, and destroyed the might of death. We worship his Rising on the third day.
With Archangels let us sing the praise of the Resurrection of Christ; for he is the Redeemer and the Saviour of our souls; and with dread glory and mighty power he is coming again to judge the world which he fashioned.
Other Verses, by Anatolios.
An Angel
proclaimed you, the crucified and buried Master, and said to the women, ‘Come,
see where the Lord was lying. For he has risen as he said, as all-powerful’. Therefore
we worship you, the only immortal. O Christ, Giver of life, have mercy on us.By your Cross you destroyed the curse of the tree; by your burial you slew the might of death; by your Rising you enlightened the human race; therefore we cry out to you; ‘Benefactor, Christ our God, glory to you!’
The gates of death opened to you Lord, in fear; Hells gate-keepers shuddered when they saw you; for you smashed the gates of brass, crushed to powder the iron bars, led us out of darkness and the shadow of death and tore our bonds asunder.
As we sing the hymn of salvation, let this song rise from our lips, ‘Come all in the Lords house, let us fall down in worship as we say: You who were crucified on the Tree, rose from the dead and are in the bosom of the Father, have mercy on our sins!’
Then 3 Idiomel Stichera of the
Tone 2. By Anatolios.
The Myrrhbearing
women at deep dawn took spices and came to the Lords tomb. But finding what
they had not hoped for, they began devoutly discussing the removal of the
stone, and said to one another, ‘Where are the seals of the grave? Where is
Pilates watch, and the strict security?’ But a dazzling Angel became the
informer of the baffled women saying to them, ‘Why with lamentations do you
seek the living, the one who gives life to the race of mortals? Christ our God
has risen from the dead as all powerful, granting us incorruption and life,
enlightenment and his great mercy’.Tone 2. By Anatolios.
The same tone. By Koumoulas.
Why do you mingle
sweet spices with your tears, O Women Disciples? The stone has been rolled
away; the tomb has been emptied; see corruption trampled on by life, the seals
clearly bearing witness, the guards of the unbelieving fast asleep. Mortality
has been saved by the flesh of God. Hell is lamenting. Run with joy, say to the
Apostles: Christ the first born from the dead has slain death and is going
before you into Galilee.The Myrrhbearers rose at dawn and came to your tomb with haste. They were seeking you, O Christ, that they might anoint your spotless body, and instructed by the words of the Angel, they proclaimed the joyful signs to the Apostles, ‘The author of our salvation has risen, despoiling death but granting the world eternal life an d his great mercy’.
Glory. Tone 6. By the Monk
The Myrrhbearing
women coming to your tomb and seeing the seals of the grave, but not finding
your spotless Body, lamenting came with haste saying, ‘Who has stolen our hope?
Who has taken a naked, embalmed corpse, the only consolation of his mother?
Alas, how has he who brought the dead to life been put to death? How has he who
despoiled Hell, been buried? But arise, O Saviour, of your own will on the
third day, as you said, and save our souls’.
At the Liti Idiomel Stichera. Tone 1.
women, why have you come to the tomb? Why do you seek the living among the
dead? The Lord has risen, take courage!’ cries the Angel.With fear the women came to the grave, hastening to anoint the body with sweet spices, and not finding it they were at a loss among themselves, not knowing of the Resurrection. But an Angel came to them and said, ‘Christ has risen, granting us his great mercy’.
Mary Magdalen and the other Mary came to the grave seeking the Lord, and they saw an Angel like lightning sitting on the stone, who said to them, ‘Why do you seek the living among the dead? He has risen as he said; in Galilee you will find him’. To him let us cry aloud, ‘Lord, risen from the dead, glory to you!’
Glory. Tone 6.
Joseph asked for
the Body of Jesus and laid it in his new grave: for he had to come from a tomb
as from a bridal chamber. You have crushed the might of death and opened the
gates of Paradise to mankind, glory to you.
Both now. Theotokion. The
same Tone.
My Maker and
Redeemer, Christ the Lord, coming from your womb, All pure one, having clothed
himself in me, delivered Adam from the former curse. Therefore, All pure one,
as truly Mother of God and Virgin, we cry to you unceasingly the Angel’s Hail,
‘Hail Sovereign Lady, protection and shelter and salvation of our souls’.
At the Aposticha. Resurrection Sticheron.
Tone 2.
Your Resurrection,
O Christ Saviour, has enlightened the whole inhabited world; and you have
called back your own creation. All-powerful Lord, glory to you!
Then the Paschal Stichera with their
Let God arise, and
his enemies be scattered: and let those that hate him flee before his face.A sacred Pascha has been revealed to us today, a new and holy Pascha, a mystic Pascha, an all-venerable Pascha, a Pascha that is Christ the Redeemer, an unblemished Pascha, a great Pascha, a Pascha of the faithful, a Pascha that has opened for us the gates of Paradise, a Pascha that makes all the faithful holy.
As smoke vanishes, so let them vanish, as wax melts before the fire.
Come from that sight, you women, bearers of good tidings, and say to Sion, Receive from us the good tidings of joy, of Christs Resurrection. Exult, dance and be glad, Jerusalem, for you have seen Christ the King like a bridegroom coming from the grave.
So shall the wicked perish at the presence of God; and let the just be glad.
The myrrh-bearing women at deep dawn came to the grave of the giver of life. They found an Angel sitting on the stone, and he addressed them and said, ‘Why do you seek the living with the dead? Why do you mourn the incorruptible as though he were in corruption? Go, proclaim it to his Disciples’.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
A Pascha of delight, Pascha, the Lord’s Pascha, an all-venerable Pascha has dawned for us, Pascha. Let us embrace one another with joy. O Pascha, ransom from sorrow! Today Christ shone forth from a tomb as from a bridal chamber, and filled the women with joy, saying, ‘Proclaim it to the Apostles!’
Glory. Tone 5.
You, who wrap
yourself in light as in a garment, Joseph with Nikodemos took down from the
Tree. And when he saw you a naked, unburied corpse, in loving sympathy he
raised the lament, and mourning said, ‘Alas! Most sweet Jesu, when the sun saw
you but a little while ago hanging on a cross it wrapped itself in darkness and
the earth was shaken by fear and the veil of the temple was rent. But see, I
now look on you who willingly underwent death for my sake. How shall I bury
you, my God? How wrap you in winding sheets? With what hands may I touch your
immaculate body? Or what songs, O Merciful One, may I sing for your departure?
I magnify your sufferings, and I praise your burial and your Resurrection, as I
cry: Lord glory to you!’
Both now. Same Tone.
The day of
Resurrection; let us be radiant for the festival, and let us embrace one
another. Let us say, brethren, even to those that hate us, ‘Let us forgive all
things on the Resurrection’, and so let us cry, ‘Christ has risen from the
dead: by death he has trampled on death, and to those in the graves given
Apolytikia. Tone 2.
When you went down
to death, O immortal life, then you slew Hell with the lightning flash of your
Godhead; but when from the depths below the earth you raised the dead, all the
Powers in the heavens cried out: Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to you!The noble Joseph, taking down your most pure Body from the Tree, wrapped it in a clean shroud with sweet spices and laid it for burial in a new grave. But on the third day you arose, O Lord, granting the world your great mercy.
The Angel standing by the grave cried to the women bearing myrrh, ‘Myrrh is fitting for the dead, but Christ has shown himself a stranger to corruption. But cry aloud: The Lord has risen, granting the world his great mercy’.
And Dismissal.
After the first Psalter reading,
Resurrection Kathismata. Tone 2.
By not preventing
the gravestone from being sealed and by rising again, you granted to all the
rock of the faith. Lord, glory to you!
Without emptying
the most pure bosom in the highest, you accepted burial and resurrection on
behalf of all. Lord, glory to you!
Both now. Theotokion.
Wholly beyond
understanding, wholly glorious are your mysteries, Mother of God. sealed in
purity and kept in virginity, you were known to be without deception a Mother
who gave birth to the true God. Implore him that our souls may be saved.
After the 2nd Psalter reading, other
The Myrrhbearing
women, having risen early and seen the grave empty, said to the Apostles, ‘The
mighty one has destroyed corruption and snatched those in Hell from their
bonds. Boldly proclaim that Christ God has risen, granting us his great mercy’.
Bringing the
spices for your burial, the women came secretly at dawn to the grave, fearing
the harshness of the Jews, and foreseeing that the soldiers would protect it;
but the weaker nature defeated manliness, for their loving intent was
well-pleasing to God. Fittingly therefore they cried, ‘Arise, Lord, help us,
and deliver us for your name’s sake’.
Both now. Theotokion.
You are highly
glorified, Virgin Mother of God, and we sing your praise, for through the Cross
of your Son Hell has been overthrown, death has died, we who were dead have
risen and been granted life. We have received Paradise,
our ancient delight. therefore with thanksgiving we glorify Christ our God as
mighty and alone full of mercy.
After Psalm 118, the Evlogitaria and the
Ypakoο. Tone 2.
The women coming
to your grave after the Passion to anoint your body, Christ our God, saw Angels
in the tomb and were amazed, for they heard from them the message, ‘The Lord
has risen, granting the world his great mercy’.
The Anavathmi of the tone. 1st Antiphon.
I lift up the eyes
of my heart to you in heaven, O Saviour. Save me by your radiance.Have mercy, O my Christ, on us who fail you hour by hour in many ways, and give us the means to turn back to you in repentance before the end.
Glory. Both now.
To the Holy Spirit
belong kingship, sanctification and the guidance of creation; for he is God,
consubstantial with the Father and the Word.
2nd Antiphon.
If the Lord was
not among us, who could be kept safe from the one who is both foe and murderer?Do not hand your servant over to their teeth, my Saviour. Like a lion they come against me, for they too are my foes.
Glory. Both now.
To the Holy Spirit
belong the source of life and honour, for, being God, he gives all creatures
power and watches over them together in the Father through the Son.
3rd Antiphon.
Those who trust in
the Lord are like the holy mountain; they are utterly unshaken by the assaults
of Beliar.Let not those who live for God stretch out their hands in lawlessness; for with his rod Christ forbids his lot.
Glory. Both now.
By the Holy Spirit
all wisdom flows forth, from which grace comes to the Apostles, the Martyrs are
crowned for their struggles, and the Prophets see.
Prokeimenon. Psalm 7.
Rise up, O Lord my
God, according to the decree which you enjoined:* and an assembly of the
peoples will surround you.Verse: O Lord my God, I have hoped in you. Save me from all who pursue me and deliver me.
Then the usual order of the Resurrection
Gospel [Eothinon 4]
[Mark 16:1-8
When the Sabbath was over,
Mary Magdalen and Mary, the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that
they might go and anoint Jesus. And very early on the first day of the week
they went to the grave, when the sun had risen. And they were saying to one
another, ‘Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the grave?’ And
when they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled away — it was very
large. And entering the grave, they saw a young man sitting on the right side,
dressed in a white robe; and they were utterly amazed. But he said to them, ‘Do
not be amazed. You seek Jesus the Nazarene, the crucified. He has been raised;
he is not here. See, this is the place where they laid him. But go; tell his
disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee;
there you will see him, as he told you.’ And they went out and fled from the
grave; for trembling and astonishment had seized the. And they said nothing to
any one, for they were afraid.][Mark 16:1-8
After Psalm 50, the Canons of Pascha with the Irmi to 4, of the Mother of God to 4 [2], and of the Myrrhbearers to 6 [8].
Paschal Canon. Tone 1. Ode 1.
The day of
Resurrection, let us be radiant, O peoples. Pascha, the Lord’s Pascha! for
Christ God has brought us from death to life, and from earth to heaven, as we
sing the triumphal song.Irmos.
Let us purify our
senses, and we shall see Christ shining forth, in the unapproachable light of
the resurrection, and we shall clearly hear him saying ‘Rejoice!’, as we sing
the triumphal song.Let the heavens as is fitting rejoice, and let the earth be glad, let the whole world, both seen and unseen, keep the feast: for Christ has risen, our eternal joy.
Canon of the Mother of God. Tone 1.
The Acrostic in the first Troparia: Theophan.
The Acrostic in the first Troparia: Theophan.
Ode 1. The same Irmos.

Having seen your Son and God risen from the dead, rejoice with the Apostles, O holy and full of grace, and as cause of the joy of all, all-pure mother of God, you first received the greeting ‘Rejoice’.
Canon of the Myrrhbearers. Tone 2.
A Composition of Andrew of Crete. Ode 1. Irmos.
[Take up Moses’
song, my soul, and shout, ‘Helper and Protector he has become for my salvation.
he is my God and I will glorify him’.]A Composition of Andrew of Crete. Ode 1. Irmos.
You were crucified
in the flesh, though impassible by the Father’s nature; you were pierced in the
side and became a source of blood and water for the world. You are our God and
we glorify you.I honour your Cross and glorify your burial, O Good One. I praise and worship your Rising, and I cry out, ‘You are our God and we glorify you’.
Though you tasted gall, O sweetness of the Church, yet you poured out incorruption for us from your side. You are our God and we glorify you.
You were numbered among the dead, O Saviour, when you raised the dead. You tasted corruption, for you knew nothing at all of destruction. You are our God and we glorify you.
Let Zion rejoice, and let heaven be glad. Christ has risen and raised the dead who sing in praise, ‘You are our God and we glorify you’.
In grave clothes Joseph wrapped your body, O Christ, and laid you, our salvation, in a new tomb; but as God you raised the dead.
Anticipating the dawn, the women saw Christ and cried to God’s Disciples; ‘Christ has risen indeed. Come, and with us sing his praise’.
All-holy Trinity,
one Godhead, Unity without beginning: Father and Son and divine Spirit, save
the world. You are our God and we glorify you.
Both now. Theotokion.
In your womb you
abolished the ancient curse, holy Lady, and in giving birth to a babe you made
the blessing flower for us; for he is God, though he bears flesh.
Katavasia. The day of Resurrection.
Ode 3.Irmos.
Come let us drink
a new drink, not one marvellously brought forth from a barren rock, but the
Source of incorruption, which springs up from the tomb of Christ, in whom we
are established.
Now all things are
filled with light, both heaven and earth and those beneath the earth: so let
all creation sing Christ’s rising, by which it is established.Yesterday I was buried with you O Christ, today I rise with you as you arise: yesterday I was crucified with you, glorify me with you, Saviour, in your Kingdom.
Of the Mother of God. The same Irmos.

Seeing God, whom your conceived in the flesh, rising from the dead as he said, dance pure Maiden, and magnify him as God, O Immaculate.
Of the Myrrhbearers. Irmos.
[Make my barren mind bring
forth fruit, O God, husbandman of fair fruits and planter of good things, in
your compassion.]
When you nailed
your palms to the Cross, O Jesu, and gathered in all the nations from error,
you invited them to knowledge of you, O Saviour.The Jewish people cried out to Pilate, ‘Release for me the wicked thief. As for the Sinless One, away with him, away with him, crucify him’.
When you were crucified, O Christ, the light grew dark, the earth was shaken and many dead rose from the tomb through fear of your might.
Standing by the Cross, O Jesu, your Ewe-lamb cried out with lamentation, ‘Where are you going, my Son? Where are you departing, Lamb who is slain for all?’
I worship your Cross, I praise your Burial, I honour your sufferings, O Jesu, the nails in your hands, the lance and the Resurrection.
You arose, O Jesu; the enemy was despoiled, Adam, and Eve with him, was delivered from bonds and corruption by your Resurrection.
When you arose, O Christ, the bars and gates of Hell were smashed, and the bonds of death immediately untied, through fear of your might.
Joseph, who received God, come, stand with us and cry, ‘He has risen, Jesus the redeemer, who raised Adam in his compassion!’
Let the twelve Disciples rejoice with us, with the Myrrhbearing women, with Joseph and Christ’s other Disciples, men and women.
With the Father I
worship and praise the Son and the right Spirit, the one Nature, separating the
Persons and uniting the Essence.
Both now. Theotokion.
Blessed are you,
holy Lady from the root of Jesse. From you according to the flesh sprang
Christ, the rod and the flower, for our sake.
Katavasia. Come let us drink.
Kathisma. Tone 2. Seeking things on high.
Lovingly bringing
spices to your tomb, O Saviour, the women rejoiced in soul at the radiance of
the Angel. They proclaimed you God of all, and cried out to the Disciples: ‘The
Life of all has risen from the tomb indeed.’
Glory. Both now. Same Tone.
The choir of your
disciples rejoices in harmony with the Myrrhbearing women, for they celebrate a
common feast with them, to the glory and honour of your Resurrection, and
through them we cry to you, ‘O Lord, who love mankind, grant to your people
your great mercy’.
Ode 4. Irmos.
Let the Prophet
Avvakum, inspired by God, keep the divine watch with us, and show forth the
radiant Angel, who with resounding voice declares, ‘Today brings salvation to
the world, for Christ has risen as omnipotent’.
Christ appeared as
a ‘male’ who opened a virgin womb; but as our food he is called ‘lamb’;
‘unblemished’, as our Passover without stain; and ‘perfect’ for he is true God.As a yearling lamb, for us the blessed crown, Christ was willingly sacrificed for all, a cleansing Passover; and from the tomb the fair sun of justice has shone for us again.
God’s forebear David dancing leaped before the Ark, mere shadow; but seeing the fulfilment of the types, let us, God’s holy people, inspired, rejoice, for Christ is risen as omnipotent.
Of the Mother of God. Same Irmos.

Seeing Christ, whom you bore, shining in beauty from the dead, O Pure One, fair and lovely, and spotless among women, as you rejoice to-day with the Apostles at the salvation of all, glorify him.
Of the Myrrhbearers. The Irmos.
Foreseeing your
birth from a Virgin, the Prophet cried out and proclaimed, ‘I heard your
report, O Christ, and was afraid, for you came from Theman and from a holy
shaded mountain.’
Through a Cross
you took prisoner the belly of Hell, you raised the dead with you and overthrew
the tyranny of death. Therefore we, Adam’s descendants, falling down in worship
sing the praise of your burial and your Rising, O Christ.You were well pleased, our Saviour, through the bowels of your mercy, to be nailed to the Cross, and to redeem us from the ancestral curse. Release me from the bonds of my many offences, for you can accomplish whatever you will.
Having nailed my ancient curse on the Cross, O Saviour, and become a source of blessing for me through the blood from your side, release me from the bonds of my many offences, for you can accomplish whatever you will.
When Hell met you in the infernal regions, O Saviour, he was embittered, seeing that the dead, whom he of old had had the strength to swallow, now, unwilling, he was giving back. The depths below are being scoured, laid bare and despoiled of the dead.
Though the stone was sealed, O lawless foes, and the watch set, yet the Lord arose as he foretold, releasing the bonds of my many offences, for he can accomplish whatever he wills.
Having risen from the dead, despoiled Hell, given life to the dead and become for me a source of incorruption by your Rising, release the bonds of my many offences, for you can accomplish whatever you will.
Be ashamed indeed, lawless ones, for Christ has risen and raised the dead with him, crying, ‘Be of good courage. I have conquered the world’. Obey him then, or keep silence, misguided ones, who deny his Resurrection.
Having risen from the tomb, O Good One, you greeted the Myrrhbearers with the cry, ‘Rejoice’, and commanded the Apostles, ‘Proclaim my Rising’; release the bonds of my many offences, for you can accomplish whatever you will.
Let us honour the noble Joseph, zealot for true religion, counsellor and disciple, with the Myrrhbearers and the Apostles, as we cry out with them, and with faith and gladness praise the Saviour’s Resurrection.
Who can declare
the indivisible glory of the Godhead beyond all being? For a Trinity in nature
is praised, without beginning, identical in nature, praised as a Unity in
Trinity, with simple substances.
Both now. Theotokion.
Virgin-mother, unceasingly implore the One who dwelt in your womb, whom you
bore without pangs, to release me from the bonds of my many offences, for you
can help whatever you will.
Katavasia. Let the Prophet.
Ode 5. Irmos.
Let us arise in
the early dawn, and instead of myrrh, offer praises to the Master, and we shall
see Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, who causes life to dawn for all.
Those who were
held by the chains of Hell, seeing your measureless compassion, press forward
to the light, O Christ, with joyful step, praising an eternal Passover.With torches in our hands let us go forth to meet Christ as he comes from the grave like a bridegroom, and with the festive ranks of Angels let us feast God’s saving Passover.
Of the Mother of God. Same Irmos.

You did not open the gates of the Virgin, when you took flesh. You did not break the seals of the sepulchre, O King of creation. Therefore when she saw you risen, she rejoiced.
Of the Myrrhbearers. Irmos.
[Having scattered the fog of
my soul with the light of your commandments, shine on me as you alone are the
King of Peace.]
The ancient
garment, which the sower of sin wove for me, alas, you stripped off me, my
Saviour, when you clothed yourself in me.My sin sewed fig leaves for me when I, alas, by the counsel of the serpent did not keep your most pure commandment, my Saviour.
Coming upon my soul wounded by my thieving thoughts, Christ, the child of Mary, poured oil on it and healed it.
Standing by the Cross the blameless Mother of God called out as a mother, ‘You have left me behind alone, my Son and my God’.
Having overthrown the serpent, origin of evil, with the weapon of your Cross, you smashed the sting of death, O Jesu.
‘Where death is your sting? Where Hell your victory?’ Let Adam join the cry. You have been smashed by the return to life of him who raised the dead.
The Myrrh-bearing women, coming to the tomb of him who gave life to those below, heard a voice saying, ‘Christ has risen!’
As we celebrate the memory of the devout Myrrhbearers and of all your Disciples, in your shining Rising, we sing your praise, O Christ.
Let us all worthily honour the noble one who took down the Lord’s body from the tree and faithfully gave it burial.
I worship God,
Father and Son and Spirit, three Persons, and I believe the one to be three
with one Essence.
Both now. Theotokion.
We faithful praise
you, who gave birth by a conception beyond nature without seed to him who
renews nature, Christ, the only Master.
Katavasia. Let us rise at dawn.
Ode 6. Irmos.
You went down to
the deepest parts of the earth, and you shattered the everlasting bars that
held fast those that were fettered, O Christ. And on the third day, like Jonas
from the whale, you arose from the tomb.
Keeping the seals
intact O Christ, you rose from the tomb, you who did not harm the locks of the
Virgin’s womb at your birth, and you have opened to us the gates of Paradise.O my Saviour, the living, unslain Victim, as God offering yourself willingly to the Father, you raised with yourself all Adam’s race in rising from the tomb.
Of the Mother of God. The same Irmos.

He who went down into your womb, O pure Maiden, dwelt there and took flesh beyond understanding, went down into the lowest parts of the earth and raised Adam with himself when he rose from the tomb.
Of the Myrrhbearers. Irmos.
[I am ever held by an abyss
of sins, and I am sinking deep in the sea of life. But like Jonas from the
beast, bring me up and save me.]
Hell is dead. Take
courage, you who are born of earth, for Christ, hung upon the tree, has hurled
away the sword against him and Hell lies dead. For, stripped naked, he has been
despoiled of those he held. ‘Hell has been despoiled! Take courage you dead! The graves have been opened, arise!’ Christ, who came to ransom all mankind from death and corruption, cries out to you from Hell.
‘Now, Hell, you have orders. Give me back the dead you once had strength to swallow’, the Life-giver and God, who came to ransom all mankind from your insatiable maw, cries out to you.
The Lord has risen, having despoiled the foe and delivered the prisoners. He has brought back all mankind and raised Adam the first-formed, for he is compassionate and loves mankind.
Having wrapped you in a winding sheet, O Christ, the noble Joseph laid you in a grave. having anointed the temple of your body which had been destroyed, he rolled a great stone to the mouth of the sepulchre.
O Myrrh-bearing women, why do you still hurry? Why do you bring spices for the living? Christ has risen as he foretold. Let your tears cease: they have changed to joy.
Let us believers
praise the Trinity in Unity, glorifying the Father with the Son, and the Spirit
consubstantial with the Son, and him who with the Father is without beginning
and eternal God.
Both now. Theotokion.
Like a vine, pure
Maiden, you conceived unhusbanded in your womb the Grape Cluster of incorruption,
from which for us the streams of immortality pour out, like wine, eternal life.
Katavasia. You went down.
Kontakion. Model Melody. Tone 2.
When you cried to
the Myrrhbearers, ‘Rejoice!’, Christ our God, you ended the lament of our
foremother Eve by your resurrection, while you ordered your Apostles to
proclaim, ‘The Saviour has risen from the grave’.
The Ikos.
As they went to
your tomb, O Saviour, the Myrrhbearers were troubled among themselves in mind
and they said, ‘Who will roll away the stone from the grave for us?’ And
looking up they see that the stone has been rolled away. They were amazed by
the appearance of the Angel and his raiment; they were seized with fright and
thought to flee; but the young man cried out to them, ‘Do not be afraid. The
one you seek has risen. Come, see the place where the body of Jesus was laid
and going quickly tell his disciples: The Saviour has risen from the grave’.
Synaxarion from the Menaion, then the
On the same day,
the third Sunday from Pascha, we celebrate the feast of the Myrrhbearers. We
also remember Joseph of Arimatheia, who was a disciple in secret, as well as
Nikodemos, the disciple by night.
Women Disciples bring sweet spice to Christ;
While I to them, like spices, bring my hymn.
Women Disciples bring sweet spice to Christ;
While I to them, like spices, bring my hymn.
Ode 7. Irmos.
He who delivered
the Children from the furnace, becoming man suffers as a mortal, and through
suffering he clothes the mortal with the glory of incorruption: the only
blessed and most glorious God of our fathers.
The holy women
hastened after you with sweet spices. Whom they sought with tears as a mortal,
they worshipped with joy as the living God, and they proclaimed the mystic
Passover, O Christ, to your disciples. We feast death’s slaughter, the overthrow of Hell, the first fruits of a new eternal life: and dancing we hymn the cause: the only blessed and most glorious God of our fathers.
How truly holy and all-festive is this saving night, how full of light, herald of the bright day of the resurrection, in which the timeless Light shone bodily for all from the tomb.
Of the Mother of God. The same Irmos.

He who reigns over all creation, becoming man, dwelt in your womb, O full of God’s grace, and having endured Cross and death, he has risen as God and raised us with him, for he is all powerful.
Of the Myrrhbearers. Irmos.
[Imitating the Cherubim, the
Youths in the furnace, danced and cried out, ‘Blessed are you, O God, for with
truth and judgement you have brought all these things upon us because of our
sins; you who are highly praised and glorified to all the ages.’]
Wishing, as you
love mankind, to save from error all those you had fashioned, you endured being
nailed to the Cross, that in your flesh, O Saviour, you might renew the image
smothered by the passions; and having overthrown Hell you raised up the dead
with yourself.Lifted up on the cross, O Merciful, you called all to yourself, as you had promised, O Good One; for you were well-pleased in truth to suffer all these things because of our sins; so too you opened the gates of Paradise to the thief, O Saviour.
The temple of your body, which had been destroyed, you raised on the third day, as you had promised, O Good One, that in truth you might make known your glory, which you pour out upon us through the faith, having freed the prisoners whom Hell of old held captive.
O the madness of the Jews! O the frenzy of the lawless! What had you seen which was unbelievable, that you did not believe Christ? That he did not raise the sick with a word? That he did not save the whole world himself? If not the soldiers, then let those risen from the dead convince you.
Let the guards, who became as dead men, now say how he was stolen, whom they did not see, being wholly without sensation. For if they did not see, did not perceive him risen, how then could they ever think he had been stolen? Let them convince you, and also this stone and Christ’s grave clothes.
Why do you guard him like a corpse? Why have you set seals on the stone, O Jews? Fearing theft? See, the tomb was truly sealed. How then did Christ arise unless he was God? Let those who arose and were seen by many persuade you.
With the Father we
glorify the Son and the Holy Spirit, crying out with unceasing voice, ‘Trinity,
single Essence, have mercy. Save us all, Unity in three Persons. Have pity, O
God, glorified to the ages’.
Both now. Theotokion.
How did you
contain as a child in your womb, O Immaculate, him before whom as God the
angelic powers tremble? Unless as he willed, as he knew how, he took up his
dwelling, wishing to save the those born from earth, Adam’s seed, by freeing
Adam from that curse which came through the bitter eating.
Katavasia. The only blessed.
Ode 8. Irmos.
This chosen and
holy day is the first of Sabbaths, the Queen and Lady, the Feast of Feasts and
the Festival of Festivals on which we bless Christ to all the ages.
Come let us share
in the new fruit of the vine, of joy divine, and in the kingdom of Christ,
on the glorious day of the Resurrection, hymning Him as God to all the ages.Lift your eyes around you, O Sion, and see: for behold like beacons shedding light divine your children have come to you, from West and North, from the Sea and from the East, blessing Christ in you to all the ages.
Almighty Father, Word and Spirit, nature united in three Persons, beyond all being and beyond all Godhead, into you we have been baptised and we bless you to all the ages.
Of the Mother of God. The same Irmos.

Your Son, O Virgin, having overthrown the might of death by his resurrection, as a mighty God has exalted us with himself and made us divine; therefore we praise him to the ages.
Of the Myrrhbearers. Irmos.
[The One who foreshadowed
for Moses in the bush on Mount Sinai the
wonder of the Virgin, praise, bless and highly exalt to all the ages.]
The rays of the
sun cowered with fear at the sufferings of Christ, the dead were raised, the
mountains were shaken, the earth quaked and Hell was stripped bare.The thrice-blessed Youths in the furnace of old raised their hands, typifying your most pure Cross, through which, O Christ, you overthrew the power of the foe.
O blind Jews, deceivers and transgressors, who do not trust Christ’s Resurrection, as though it was a lie, what do you see that you cannot believe? That Christ has risen, he who raised the dead?
O hostile Jews, even though you do not believe us, ask your own soldiers what they experienced. Who with their hands rolled the stone away from the grave?
Who withered the fig-tree? Who healed the withered hand? Who once fed the multitudes in the desert? If not Christ God, who raised the dead.
Who gave light to the blind, healed lepers, cured the lame and walked on the sea dry-shod as though on land? If not Christ God, who raised the dead.
Who raised from the tomb one four days dead, and the widow’s son? Who gave strength to the paralytic on his bed? If not Christ God, who raised the dead.
The stone itself cries out, the seals, which you placed yourselves when you posted the sentries to guard the grave, shout aloud, ‘Christ has risen indeed, and lives to the ages’.
Christ has risen indeed, Hell is despoiled, the serpent slain, Adam redeemed, those below are saved. Why do you persist in unbelief, foes and transgressors?
With the Father we
glorify the Son and the Holy Spirit, the holy Trinity in one Godhead, as we
cry, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy are you to the ages’.
Both now. Theotokion.
In your womb, pure
Maiden, you bore without change the ever-living bread, compounded
uncompoundedly with our composition, one Christ, God, in the two Essences.
Katavasia. This chosen.
Ode 9. Irmos.
Magnify, O
my soul, him who suffered willingly, and was buried, and arose from the grave
on the third day.Shine, shine, O New Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you; dance now and be glad, O Sion, and you too rejoice, O pure Mother of God, at the arising of him to whom you gave birth.
Megalynarion: Magnify, O my soul, Christ the Giver of life, who arose from the grave on the third day.
Shine, shine, O New Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you; dance now and be glad, O Sion, and you too rejoice, O pure Mother of God, at the arising of him to whom you gave birth.
Megalynarion: Christ is the new Passover, the living sacrificial victim, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.
O your divine and beloved and sweetest voice; you have truly promised that you will be with us unto the end of the world, O Christ; and we faithful rejoice, having this as an anchor of hope.
Megalynarion: To-day the whole creation is glad and rejoices, for Christ has risen and Hell has been despoiled.
O great and most sacred Pascha, Christ; O Wisdom and Word and Power of God! Grant that we may partake of you fully in the unwaning day of your Kingdom.
Of the Mother of God. The same Irmos.

Rejoice, be glad, divine Gate of the Light; for Jesus who set in the tomb has dawned, shining more brightly than the sun, and shedding his rays on all the faithful, O Sovereign Lady, full of God’s grace.
Of the Myrrhbearers. Irmos.
[The one who in her womb
conceived in flesh the Word, who shone from the Father beyond time, in
never-silent hymns let us the faithful magnify.]
The thief who
acknowledged you on the Cross as God, All-powerful Saviour, you made heir to
the spiritual Paradise when he cried,
‘Remember’.You were struck, you were spat upon by the lawless for our sake, O Jesu, who traced the tables of the law on Sinai for your servant Moses.
You were given vinegar and gall to drink for our sake, O Saviour, who give us your Body and your precious Blood as the food and drink of your eternal life.
When your life-giving side was pierced by the lance, O Christ, you poured out your immaculate Blood and precious Water as an ever-living spring for the world.
You, who brought the dead to life, were numbered among the dead. You, who emptied the tombs, were laid in a tomb. You despoiled Hell in raising Adam.
You arose, O Jesu. The foe was bound, Hell despoiled, tombs stripped bare, those below raised, as they worshipped you, O Christ.
Who stole the dead body? And moreover naked? Why are you deceived, O Jews? Christ has risen and the bonds and bars of hell have been unloosed.
Glory to you, Christ Saviour, who poured out life, made light dawn for those in the darkness of ignorance, and shone over all the earth by your Rising.
Let the noble counsellor Joseph be praised with the Myrrhbearers and the godly Disciples, as he too is a herald of Christ’s Rising.
You are without
beginning, O Father; you are uncreated, O Son; you are equal in rank, O Holy
Spirit; the three one in nature and three in persons, one true God.
Both now. Theotokion.
Let Jesse rejoice
and David dance, for see, the Virgin, the stem of God’s planting, has blossomed
with the flower, Christ the ever-living.
Katavasia. Shine, shine.
Holy is the Lord
our God [x3].
Exapostilarion of Pascha. Tone 2.
Having fallen
asleep in the flesh as one mortal, O King and Lord, you rose again on the third
day, raising up Adam from corruption, and abolishing death. Pascha of
incorruption; salvation of the world.
Another, of the Myrrhbearers. Model
Same Tone.
Women hear a voice
of gladness, ‘Trampling on the tyrant Hell, I have raised the world from
corruption. Run, tell my friends the good tidings, for I wish joy to shine on
what I fashioned from the source from which came grief’.Same Tone.
At Lauds we insert 8 stichera, 4 of the Resurrection and 4 of Anatolios.
Tone 2.
Let everything
that has breath and every creature glorify you, O Lord, for through the Cross
you have abolished death, that you might show the peoples your Resurrection
from the dead, as you alone love mankind. Let the Jews say how the soldiers lost the king they were guarding. For why did the stone not guard the Rock of life? Let them hand over the buried one, or worship the Risen One, saying with us: Glory to the multitude of your mercies, our Saviour, glory to you.
Rejoice you peoples and be glad. The Angel sat on the stone of the grave: he brought you the good news, saying: Christ has risen from the dead, the Saviour of the world, and filled the universe with fragrance. Rejoice you peoples and be glad.
An Angel before your conception brought the greeting ‘Hail’ to her that was full of grace. An Angel rolled away the stone of your glorious grave at your Resurrection. The one instead of grief revealed signs of joy; the other instead of death proclaimed to us a Master, giver of life. Therefore we cry to you, ‘Benefactor of all mankind, Lord, glory to you!’
Other Stichera of Anatolios.
The women
sprinkled sweet spices with their tears upon your grave, and their mouths were
filled with joy as they said, ‘The Lord has risen!’Let nations and peoples praise Christ our God, who willingly endured the Cross for us and spent three days in hell; and let them worship his Resurrection from the dead, through which all the ends of the world have been filled with light.
You were crucified, you were buried, O Christ, as you willed; you despoiled death as God and Master, granting the world eternal life and your great mercy.
In truth, lawless ones, by sealing the tomb you have granted us a greater marvel; the guards have the knowledge; today he came from the grave, and they said: You said that while we slept the Disciples came and stole him. And who steals a corpse, especially one that is naked? But he has risen by his own authority as God, leaving behind his grave-clothes in the tomb. Come, O Jews, see how he did not burst the seals the One who trampled on death and grants the human race life without end and his great mercy.
Glory. Eothinon 4. Tone 4.
It was early dawn
and the women came to your grave, O Christ, but the body which they longed for
was not found; therefore they were much perplexed. Then those in dazzling
garments came to them and said, ‘Why do you seek the living with the dead? He
has risen as he foretold. Why have you forgotten his words?’ Convinced by this
they proclaimed what they had seen. But the good tidings seemed an idle tale,
so dull were the disciples still. But Peter ran, and having seen, glorified
your wonders to himself.
Both now. Tone 5.
It is the day of
Resurrection; let us be radiant for the festival, and let us embrace one
another. Let us say, O brethren, even to those who hate us: let us forgive all
things at the Resurrection, and so let us cry: Christ is risen from the dead;
death he trampled down by death, and to those in the tombs he has given life.
Great Doxology and Dismissal
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