When the Lord deemed
it fitting He called His saints out of the African lands: holy Perpetua,
Felicity, Saturus, Saturnius, Revocatus and Secundulus, to witness to their
faith through suffering death. Thus, we have as an inheritance the flourishing
tree of Orthodoxy, for they shed their blood, watering the seedling. Wherefore
we cry aloud:
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs Perpetua,
Felicity, and your companions
As a catechumen,
O holy Perpetua, thou wast taken captive and while in prison thy father
besought thee to denounce Christ. But boldly thou didst proclaim that thou
couldst be called by no other name but Christian. Wherefore we marvel at thy
conviction and cry out to thee thus:
Rejoice, thou who art a shining example
for all catechumens
Rejoice, thou who chose the heavenly
over thine earthly father
Rejoice, thou who refused to be
called anything other than a Christian
Rejoice, being freed from the bondage
of sin through baptism while yet in prison
Rejoice, for being informed by the
Spirit thou prayed only for endurance of the flesh
Rejoice, Married Matron mother of a
Rejoice, thou who wast tempted by
womanly anxiety for thy suckling child
Rejoice, thou who wast ministered to
by the holy deacons Tertius and Pomponius
Rejoice, thou who didst commend thy
son to the care of thy mother
Rejoice, thou who didst comfort thy
brother, a catechumen in the faith
Rejoice, thou who didst look upon the
dungeon as a palace
Rejoice, Bold One asking the Lord
whether thou wouldst die a martyr’s death
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs Perpetua, Felicity and your
Beholding a heavenly vision, holy Perpetua wast informed of her martyrdom. She
was found worthy to see with spiritual eyes the contest of salvation. And
looking upon the bronze ladder she didst see holy Saturus going up ahead of
her, calling after her to follow. Wherefore we call to her: Alleluia
Contemplating the narrow ladder holy Perpetua didst understand the struggle
to enter Paradise, for as a vile serpent the devil lies waiting to strike. Yet
encouraged by her teacher she didst trod on its head and ascended the ladder,
her gaze fixed upward. Wherefore we cry to her:
Rejoice, thou who didst declare the
serpent powerless in the name of the Lord
Rejoice, thou who didst proclaim the
way to Life impossible for the negligent
Rejoice, thou who didst follow holy
Saturus’ example in death as in life
Rejoice, thou who didst ascend and
enter a vast garden
Rejoice, thou who didst stand in the
company of many clothed in white
Rejoice, thou who wast greeted by the
venerable Shepherd
Rejoice, thou who wast given to eat
food sweeter than honey
Rejoice, thou who didst awake from
thy vision at the word ‘amen’
Rejoice, Holy Saturus who wast found
worthy to ascend the ladder first
Rejoice, O father who gave thyself up
for the sake of the catechumens
Rejoice, Encourager of Perpetua to
follow after thee in thine ascent
Rejoice, you who confidently forsook
all hope in this world
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs Perpetua, Felicity and your
During their meal the martyrs were all called to the tribunal, and once there they
all proclaimed themselves Christians. Refusing to offer sacrifice to the idols
for the Emperor’s prosperity, they left the procurator Hilarian baffled, who
knew not how to chant: Alleluia
Ever faithful to the Lord the martyrs professed their faith before the
procurator, and the crowd which had gathered. The sentence was read out against
them, they were to be sent to the beasts. Cheerfully they returned to the
dungeon, and thus we cry out:
Rejoice, Holy Contesters in the
stadium of Carthage
Rejoice, Firm Pillars of the faith,
convicted for the sake of Christ
Rejoice, Blessed Martyrs whose blood
watered Orthodoxy
Rejoice, Holy Perpetua whose father
once again tempted thee
Rejoice, thou who didst refuse to
sacrifice even for the sake of thy child
Rejoice, thou who didst sorrow for
thy father in his ignorance of the Faith
Rejoice, thou who didst proclaim
nothing happens outside of God’s providence
Rejoice, thou who stood firm though
confronted by the familial bonds of nature
Rejoice, thou who didst trust God
would provide for thy son
Rejoice, thou whose child wast
miraculously weaned though still a small infant
Rejoice, Band of Martyrs bound
together by common love for Christ
Rejoice, you who were led to the
dungeon as though to a bridalchamber
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs Pertetua, Felicity and your
Fervently praying,
Perpetua didst hear the name “Dinocrates”, who wast her departed brother in the
flesh. As she didst behold in a dream, the little one was in a dark place and
thirsty. But he was unable to drink of the fountain for the height was very great.
Wherefore, she didst supplicate for him and we cry to her: Alleluia
Great was her joy when Perpetua saw yet another vision wherein Dinocrates
was healed of his infirmities. He drank his fill from the fountain – for he had
been benefited by her ardent prayers, wherefore we praise her thus:
Rejoice, thou who didst help thy
brother though a gulf was fixed between you
Rejoice, Deliverer from the suffering
torments of Hades
Rejoice, thou who didst deem it
laudable to pray with tears for thy brother
Rejoice, thou who didst spend thy
days and nights supplicating God
Rejoice, Holy Martyr who supplicates
for us on earth as thou didst for thy brother
Rejoice, little Dinocrates for thou
wast delivered by thy sister’s prayers
Rejoice, thou whose face was healed
once diseased by ulcers
Rejoice, thou who is now clothed in
fine apparel
Rejoice, all ye in Hades, comforted
by the prayers of the righteous
Rejoice, O fountain for thy ledge was
Rejoice, O ever-flowing water who
dost satisfy those who drink of thee
Rejoice, Golden Cup who dost provide
nourishment for the thirsty
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs Perpetua, Felicity and your
Having seen the joy of her brother, Perpetua didst rejoice that he no longer was
tormented – for where once was an ulcer there remained only a scar. And in
drinking the water from the golden cup his thirst was quenched. Whenceforth, he
ran off to play as children do, and we cry to her: Alleluia
Influenced by the grace of the martyrs, Pudens, the prison-guard’s heart was softened and
he began to magnify them. Thus being filled with mercy he permitted many to
enter the dungeon so that all might be comforted. Wherefore they extolled the
martyrs thusly:
Rejoice, Bold Intercessors before the
throne of God
Rejoice, Bright Lamps burning in Northern
Rejoice, for you patiently abided in
dark dungeons
Rejoice, for you are now delivered
into the light of Paradise
Rejoice, Perfect Examples of
Christian friendship
Rejoice, Salt of the earth and light
of the world
Rejoice, for you were condemned to
death by the earthly Emperor
Rejoice, for you are now crowned with
life by the Heavenly King
Rejoice, Contesters with
unconquerable courage
Rejoice, Brave Warriors setting out
to do battle for Christ
Rejoice, Peaceful souls eagerly
awaiting His embrace
Rejoice, for from your bloodshed an
abundance of life sprung forth
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs Perptua, Felicity and your
Just before the games, holy Perpetua beheld a vision of the upcoming
day’s spiritual contest: hearing a loud knock she opened to the deacon
Pomponios, clad all in white. He besought her to follow him and with much
effort they arrived at the arena, wherefore we cry: Alleluia
Knowing she was to contend with beasts, Perpetua marvelled that none were sent out against
her, but soon saw an Egyptian of ill-repute approach as her opponent. Thus she
was striped and clothed with oil, while the Egyptian wallowed in dust.
Wherefore encouraged by her vision we cry out:
Rejoice, thou who didst not shrink
back in fear of the Egyptian
Rejoice, Brave Contender against the
forces of evil
Rejoice, thou who wast found worthy
to have angels as thine helpers
Rejoice, thou who wast offered a
branch of golden fruit if victorious
Rejoice, Solider of Christ combating
in the front lines
Rejoice, Fierce Fighter who didst
smote thine enemy while trotting on air
Rejoice, Champion who didst dash
thine enemy to the ground
Rejoice, thou who didst step on his
head as though on a serpent
Rejoice, Victor over the enemy who
hinders our ascent to heaven
Rejoice, thou who didst receive thy
prize from the master of the gladiators
Rejoice, Conqueror of him who leads
us to the gate of death
Rejoice, thou who didst understand
that thine was the victory
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs Perpetua, Felicity and your
Lifted into the air by angels, O holy Saturus, in thy vision thou and holy
Perpetua wert carried into the heavens. For contending well you were granted
the promise the Lord had given you. Wherefore with the angels we cry out to
you: Alleluia
Marvolous trees with flowers of all kinds didst you pass by while being upborne by angels to
venerate the Heavenly King. Trembling, they laid you down and you entered
clothed in white raiment, and thus we cry out:
Rejoice, you who were carried by
angels toward the East
Rejoice, you who didst pass over the
Earth’s edge
Rejoice, Blessed Ones who didst
overlook wondrous gardens
Rejoice, Marvelled at by angels more
glorious than the rest
Rejoice, Witnesses to the beauty of
the heavenly kingdom
Rejoice, you who looked upon trees
unknown to this earth
Rejoice, Spectators of leaves that
sang without ceasing
Rejoice, you who met thy
fellow-martyred companions
Rejoice, called upon by angels to go
in and salute the Lord
Rejoice, Worthy Ones clothed in white
Rejoice, Observers of a palace with
walls made of light
Rejoice, Hearers of the thrice holy
hymn chanted unto the Trinity
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs Perpetua, Felicity and your
Noticing in that place a man sitting, having hair like white as snow – yet youthful of
countenance – you were borne up by angels to reverently kiss him. Whereupon he
passed his hand over your faces and you offered the kiss of peace to the
surrounding elders. And thus, together with them we cry to you: Alleluia
Optatus the bishop, and Aspasius the priest and teacher stood on either side of the
door from which you exited. Falling at your feet they supplicated the two of
you to make peace between them. Wherefore you rose them up and embraced them
with love. Marvelling at your humility we cry to you:
Rejoice, Holy Ones worthy to see
divine visions
Rejoice, Encounterers of spiritual
parents in the heavenly garden
Rejoice, you who didst keep company
in heaven with those on earth
Rejoice, you who didst receive humble
bows done in your honour
Rejoice, you who didst humbly
reciprocate the simple gesture
Rejoice, Peacemakers among thy fellow
Rejoice, Poor in Spirit who didst win
the kingdom of heaven
Rejoice, Mourners who art comforted
Rejoice, Thirsters for Righteousness
who have been satiated
Rejoice, Meek Ones who shall inherit
the earth
Rejoice, Merciful Ones who have
obtained much mercy
Rejoice, Pure of heart for you dost
see God perpetually
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs Perpetua, Felicity and your
Putting aside the dissensions between them, Optatus and Aspasius followed the instructions of
the angels and took heed of the advice given them. Thus did the angels warn
Optatus to correct his people so that they might not continue in their crooked
ways; wherefore we cry:Alleluia
Quivering at the thought that thou might be prohibited to contend – for thou wast with
child – O holy Felicity, thou and those with thee didst pour out your
supplication to the Lord, that He might grant thee His favour. Immediately He
didst hearken unto thy prayer and thou didst bring forth a daughter, wherefore
we cry to thee:
Rejoice, thou who didst join in
prayer with thy fellow martyrs
Rejoice, Slave in this life but
servant of God eternally
Rejoice, Contester for the grace of martyrdom
Rejoice, Fervent Supplicator to God
for His favour
Rejoice, Worthy One granted the grace
of a safe and early labour
Rejoice, thou who wast not hindered
by the ties of thine kindred
Rejoice, thou who didst entrust thy
babe to a fellow Christian
Rejoice, thou who didst answer wisely
in the face of insult
Rejoice, Wise Councillor proclaiming
the strength of Christ in weakness
Rejoice, Sanctified One through the
act of childbearing
Rejoice, Brave Martyr who dost
remember those in want of children
Rejoice, thou who tasted of the
felicity of dying for our Lord
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs Perpetua,
Felicity and your companions
Readily prepared to die a martyr’s
death, holy Secundulus wast called from this life while still in prison. For
though his body knew not the sword his soul had suffered a martyrdom.
Wherefore, in His ineffable mercy God preserved him from the beasts, and thus
we cry to Him: Alleluia
Spectators having gathered to gawk at the martyrs, the holy Saturus didst
prophetically rebuke them: “Remember our faces for us you will see on the
fearful Day of Judgement”. Wherefore, many departed astonished and of those
that heard many were converted, and thus we proclaim:
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs whose martyrdom
was recorded by the faithful
Rejoice, you who were treated harshly
by the fearful tribune
Rejoice, Persecuted Ones out of fear
of your escape
Rejoice, Bold Perpetua who didst
scold the cruel adjutant
Rejoice, Faithful Ones who didst
convert many while in prison
Rejoice, Workers of the vineyard who
converted more by your common passion
Rejoice, Partakers of an Agape meal
instead of common food
Rejoice, Communioners of the feast of
the Body and Blood of our Lord
Rejoice, you who longed to be
nourished by Christ instead of meat
Rejoice, you who forewarned the
spectators of the coming Judgement
Rejoice, Brave Contesters prepared to
fight on the birthday of Caesar
Rejoice, Saints of the Lord eagerly
awaiting your death in His name
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs Perpetua, Felicity and your companions
The day of the games having dawned, the holy martyrs prepared for battle. Bravely
entering the stadium, they were filled with joy as though in heaven. At the
sight of Perpetua many cast down their eyes. Felicity came to her second
baptism – from blood to blood, from midwife to gladiator. Wherefore we cry out:
Unable to convince the martyrs to put on the robes of idolaters, the tribune suffered
that they should be brought forth as they were. Perpetua began to chant psalms,
Revocatus, Saturninus, and Saturus mocked the senseless Hilarian, saying, “Thou
judgest us and God thee,” and in this way displayed their bravery. Wherefore we
cry to them:
Rejoice, Holy men refusing to wear
the dress of the priests of Saturn
Rejoice, Holy women refusing to wear
the dress of the priestesses of Ceres
Rejoice, you who refused to have
anything to do with lifeless idols
Rejoice, for by your boldness
injustice didst yield to justice
Rejoice, for you were scourged before
the line of the gladiators
Rejoice, Rejoicers in your sufferings
for the sake of Christ
Rejoice, Brave Soldiers fighting in
the trenches of a spiritual battle
Rejoice, Holy Perpetua, singing as
though trampling on the head of the Egyptian
Rejoice, Holy Felicity, rejoicing
that thou wast not left behind in prison
Rejoice, Holy Revocatus, who didst
boldly glare at the gawking crowd
Rejoice, Holy Saturninus, who didst
taunt the darkened Hilarian
Rejoice, Holy Saturus, who didst
yearn only for the heavenly kingdom
Rejoice, Holy martyrs Perpetua, Felicity and your
Virtue being her first concern the holy Perpetua bound up her dishevelled hair,
lest any should think she mourned her glory. Being brought out against the mad
cow – placed there to mock their sex – the crowd shuddered at the sight of milk
running from the breasts of holy Felicity. Wherefore, we cry to them: Alleluia
Wishing to wear the more glorious crown, holy Saturninus asked to go against all the beasts,
while Revocatus faced the leopard and the bear. In one bite by the leopard holy
Saturus was bathed in much blood, wherefore the crowd mockingly called out,
“saved and washed,” but we cry out thus:
Rejoice, Holy Revocatus who wast torn
by a bear on a raised bridge
Rejoice, Holy Saturninus who wast
granted thy desire to fight all beasts
Rejoice, Holy Saturus who would die
first as thou didst prophesy
Rejoice, for the wild boar didst
instead turn on its huntsman
Rejoice, for the bear knew better
than to attack a martyr
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs for you were
covered in the blood of a second baptism
Holy Perpetua, being caught up in theoria while in the arena
Rejoice, for thou wast more concerned
for modesty than thy pain
Rejoice, Counsellor of catechumens to
keep the faith and love among them
Rejoice, Holy Felicity who wast smote
for Christ’s sake by the fierce cow
Rejoice, for thy fellow martyr,
Perpetua, didst raise thee up
Rejoice, Fair Maidens who didst
forsake the beauty of your youth for eternal life
Rejoice, Holy Martyrs Perpetua, Felicity and your
Xenial friendship did the holy Saturus extend to Pudens when he did leave him a token of
his love – a ring soaked in the blood of his wound. Joining the rest, assembled
to be slain by the sword, each did die a martyr’s death. Perpetua directed the
hand of the gladiator to her throat, by this showing that the evil spirits
feared her most of all. Wherefore, moved by their sacrifice, we cry: Alleluia
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers,
Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.
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